These maybe the last words that I write or they may be the
beginning of a thread of yard that unfurls itself around the world hugging her
in respect and loving warmth that all Mothers deserve. Unfortunately just
because something is deserved does not mean it is given; likewise all that is
given is not deserved. Without receiving, the Mother gives. She has no choice.
There is no conscious thought. It is just what she has done for millennia. It
is ingrained in Her being, Her spirit, Her soul. It is what all mothers do. If
we were to listen, still, quiet, open to receive the subtleness of her voice we
would hear Her. If we were to listen, intently, without judgment of our self
and what is real or not real, we would hear Her other children, our brothers
and sisters.
I hear them. It is not the words our ears can hear but
vibrations, scents, stirrings, wisp from nothingness to those who walk about desiring
to know Her purpose. There is no purpose here, just giving. Giving food. Giving
air. Giving body, flesh and wood. Giving
without knowing. Giving Life! And I will tell you some of what they say. I will
tell you of pain and confusion, of a brake in the trust of the natural law. Not
human law, which accounts for nothing where I stand. Not of transitory truth
but of the truth and law of the only reality that exist on this planet- the
Mother’s law, the earth’s natural law. What is the translation if one were to
listen and hear the whisperings of our brothers and sisters, of our loving
The one thing they want to know is what we, as humans, want to
know, “Why?”. Maybe we are related. Maybe
it is the first thing all beings in the universe and even the universe itself
ask when injustice rains down upon them. “Why?” This is not a longing “Why” one
asks after a breakup. It is not the scientific “Why” a scientist ask who’s only
pain is the ego’s not knowing. It is the “Why” of innocents and confusion a
child would ask in shocked pain when the world suddenly without a reason their
mind can grasp is ripped apart in front of them. It is a tearful questioning
beyond acceptability.
The only reason we have stopped asking for the “why” our Mother
and her offspring are inquiring about is we have forgotten how to listen to
what is going on in reality. We listen only to what we feel is real. It is the feeling and thought that some being is not a being, is inanimate that makes it silent. Just because one is not heard does not mean there is nothing being said. We think we
have parted ways with our brothers and sisters and can be sinfully to our
Mother. But we can not. No matter how
long it has been since we remembered ourselves as brothers and sisters to all
the living beings that surrounding us. No matter how hard we try to see
ourselves as separate, beyond, in control, and, forgive us for even thinking it-
superior, we can not escape the fundamental truth of our existence. We are from
and of the earth. We are the children of our Mother. And as with all Mothers she deserves our
“Why?’ she want to know. “Why?” trees ask each other in
their secret society. “Why?” the birds flying form pole to pole ask all other birds
as they pass on their journeys. “Why?” the belly walkers, the croakers, the
shelled ones, the water peoples, the haired ones as great elephants and as
small the Bumblebee Bat, ask. “Why?” Our race, the two legged are they only one
who are not asking in mass. Are we, the ones who feel somehow above all else,
the ones of intellect and mind, the only ones who can not see? It is hard to
admit when to oneself when they are the injustice.
“Why?” The Mother and her never ending creation want to
know. “Why are you doing these things to us to kill us?” “Why do you think you
know?” “Why, have we not given you life, is not all you need here from our
making?” “Why do you shit in your own house?” “Why are you the only ones who
crave suicide?”
There are no answers, there does not need to be. There are
only repercussions. As we have done to
others we are now doing to ourselves. The sin is not in the doing; it is in the
knowing and continuing to do. The sin is not upon the other, as with all sin it
is upon the sinner. The sinners are the ones who can not hide form their acts,
their mind, their knowing and the inner torture that is their truth. They are the ones
who must look reality squarely, look at themselves, live in the shame and guilt,
answer to their children. What harsher sentence is there ever going to be than
to explain “Why?” to our children and grand children. When we finally realize we did not know how
to love our Mother earth we will also realize the devastating truth that we did
not know how to love our children. There is no pain that is deeper than that.
Let us take a moment to reflect where we are and how we got
here. Let us unpack how we have fooled ourselves so we can make amends. Let us
give thanks and praises to the Mother in all her glory. It is with gratitude
and love that the changes will start. It is with dedication and perseverance we
must walk. One must become a warrior for our Mother and give her the voice that
others can not hear. We need to look at
one self and ask “Why?” and live by the truth of our answer. Let us look at our
greed, lack of knowledge, our control, the refusal to admit wrong, our endless
want of more, more , more, and let us find the love inside us to forgive ourselves.
There may be sacrifice but sacrifice with love is a gift. A gift for our
children. A gift for our brothers and sisters. A gift for and to our Mother.
Mostly the gift will be to oneself. Being able to speak with
and teach our children so they will hopeful not fall victim to themselves as we
did. They will be able to look themselves in the eye knowing they are no longer
the sin. There is no better gift to one’s self then to be truthful with yourself
and your children. Humbly honor ourselves
because our words and thoughts, our knowing, was and are backed by action. Love ourselves, for in the end the love we
give to our Mother is always the love we give ourselves.
Copyright © 2019 by Joseph and Human Anonymous
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