We are all human. We are all beings whether we are human or not. We all have energy which means on some level we all giving off energy, all radioactive. This is true if one is a rock, a pond, fish, winged, four legged, two legged, tree, vegetable, blade of grass on and on. All giving off energy all receiving energy, interacting. Through Mah-n-Jah, Goddess, the Creator, God, the Gods, however one wants to see, relate, and name the force, energy and spirit of existences we all have been given the opportunity existence by that living spark to be here now on this Earth planet. We are all related if by nothing more than time and space. We are related by the natural laws governing this time and place. We are related through atoms and molecules and the interaction they share with each other, through energetic being. Just as in a human family tree, some of our relative are closer such as an auntie or parent and others are more removed such as are our great grand niece whom we have never met. Many of our relative share DNA, the same DNA as the human being just arranged differently. It always amazes me that just 4 nucleic acids can arrange themselves in different patterns to make me and the trees and the worms, 4 elements and millions of "living" wonders fill this planet. Related through energy, atoms, molecules, DNA and the creative spark of Mah-n-Jah's touch.
Human Beings is our clan. Each and every clan plays a roll in Mah-n-Jah's (God) playground. We all are important as a clan; we all border on insignificance as an individual. Though we all contribute to the clan, all play a roll in manifesting the clans energetic patterns, it is the whole of this energy that makes up a clan. So many of us know the clan of human being is destroying our precious home, our Mother, Earth. On a conscious knowing level most our clan agrees on this and yet some do not. With both believers and non believe our clan acts. It make no difference if one believes or not the individuals have little importance; it is the action of the clan that carry's the future. Some individuals do little or nothing to help heal our Mother, some individuals do what is convenient, some individuals suffer and sacrifice daily to respect our Mother and stop the harm. In the end all these individuals add to the manifestation of how the Human Clan walks it path on this Earth and in the end it is the manifestation itself that is important. It is the "how we are together" that creates the cause and effect not the "who we are". Sure any individual can set in motion actions that lead to change for good or bad within the Human Clan but the individual themselves can not create the change. The rest of the Human Clan needs to embrace that change and manifest it on the level of being. There are many movements with leaders and those leaders are not there except by the grace of the followers.
From Mother Earths perspective whether we live or not is a clan question, not an individual question. We as individuals do contribute to the clan's manifestation and we have the responsibility to contribute to the preservation of the clans future. Our children and their children are counting on us. Yet we are anonymous. I realize in Western Culture or what I prefer to call just "white man culture", (as it is the white men of history who collectively lead the Human Clan to the present day misguided manifestation), does not embrace the anonymous concept. We have been taught, or is that brainwashed, to believe that the individual is important. We suffer from the "look at me" syndrome. Whether it is from low self-esteem or grandiose importance, whether it is as a victim or an aggressor, whether it is shy and meek personality or narcissistic ego starving for any and all to bow before them, it is all cloaked in the individual. We must move beyond this limited thinking if we are to survive as the Human Clan.
We are Human Anonymous. Mah-n-Jah celebrates the precious part we play in the clan, just as She celebrates all the beings She plays a hand in creating. She celebrates the rocks and the stars, the trees and the Humans, all equally. Our Mother the earth celebrates the Human clan as she celebrates all clans from mineral to breathing, equally. It is within the equality we are all anonymous, One.
We are Human Anonymous on a more personal level, as well, as individuals. We share within the Clan, a teaching. This teaching has developed over millennia. It started small and grew to until now the whole world and Human Clan are affected by this teaching. It is a teaching because when we learn it we are no longer able be comfortable in our own skin. One needs to be taught to be uncomfortable with themselves. It does not come naturally. It is brainwashing. When we are born we are perfect. We know it, our parents know it, our Creator knows it. We are perfect as an individual, we are perfect as a human being, we are who we are meant to be. There is an acceptance of perfection within us and within the world.Then we are taught we are not perfect. Someone, something bigger than us has raped our minds. Rape may seem like a strong word and it is. When I hear how women or men look upon themselves after a rape I heard the same thoughts. " I did something wrong" "I am dirty" "It is my fault" "I am damaged" These are also the thought that fills us when we have our minds raped. Just as a victim of sexual abuse or any physical abuse carry their trauma with them every day affecting how they see the world, so do those who are taught the are no longer perfect. The language is the same. "I am not good enough" "There is something wrong with me" "I am damaged" Yes on one hand the violence is physical and the behavior of the aggressor is unacceptable. On the other hand the violence is mental and still unacceptable. There is little difference between the pain of the mind and the body, unfortunately in the case of physical abuse the victim needs to heal both. The body will heal but the mind may or may not. No matter how one learns they are in some way less than human, less than perfect, mental torture is the result.
When we talk about being "perfect" as a human being, as part of the Human Clan, one must undo the teaching. Perfect is a relative term. To be a perfect dog is much different from being a perfect cat. To be a perfect Human Being we accept we make mistakes. Some look upon the word "perfect" to mean without flaw and that is impossible. Maybe there is a "perfect" Goddess or God somewhere but even this I doubt can be true. On our planet there is evolution, which means trial and error, which means none perfection. This could only mean that Mah-n-Jah(God) on this planet is not perfect or She would have gotten it right the first time and been done with it. If, how ever you define the Creator, has to use trial and error, with the emphasis on error, would it not be a bit presumptuous to think one as a human does not. The perfect human needs to make mistakes and the perfect human being does not see them as mistakes. What they see is the perfect opportunity at the perfect time to learn how to be more at ease within themselves and within the Human Clan.
We are taught, brainwashed, mentally raped, to believe we have and are a problem. Look at most 4 and 5 years olds, they have already started to under go the training of self- loathing but they still have a good hold on their perfection. They are happy and free. They feel anger, sadness, digest, annoyance, but do not hold on to it. It comes and goes. As adults when we feel these emotions we hold them. We beat ourselves and others up with them. The stronger the emotion is the more we become the emotion. We project the emotion on situations and others. No matter how we try to get out from under these emotions ultimately they come home to roost and we are left with negativity, living in the sense of self. We blame our self. Now there are a few folks whom seem always to blame others, who are "right", at least in their own mind, all or most the time. These folks are actors. I am not sure about a lot but my guess is the more self-righteous the more pain, self-doubt and confusion lays under the surface. The self-righteous are desperate to convince others that they are right. They need the world to tell them they are right because they can not honestly tell themselves. "If the world see me as right I must be; even if my mind say different"
The mind, ego, and personality does not want the world to see our inner dialog. We hide it and all think we are the only ones who have such poisonous self thoughts. Thoughts like "if they knew what I really thought no one would like me" but the thing is everyone, with the exception of a few sociopaths, do have these thoughts and feeling. We are taught to have them. We are taught we are not perfect, we have to be because that 5 year old knew he/she was perfect. If we knew perfection and freedom at 5 how come we do not know it now? Someone or something bigger than us taught us we were not perfect, that we were in fact stupid to believe it to began with.
If we take the look at the importance of the individual that we are also taught by this white-mans system and combine it with the low self-esteem, self angst, self-doubt and all other self negativeties one is taught in this white-mans system one can see the begins of ownership. One starts to own the negative thought. They are me and I am them. These thought and feeling control us and our lives. Everything we see, do or say is jaded through these believes of ourselves. We at this point have become a "Crazy Fucking White-man". One is no longer perfect because they can not see it in themselves. The truth, whether one see it within themselves or not, is we are perfect Human Beings. We are perfect Human Beings who have been taught and believed something that is not true.
We are all suffering from be attached to this false narrative. We all own it but it is not ours to own. It is a false massage. It came from outside of us. This message has no face. This message is anonymous. It is Human Anonymous. It is what we share within our heads but do not share out-loud. It is the commonality of all races, of all humans in today's world.
In the end we are facing to very different yet interdependent Human Anonymouses. We are not individuals in either case. We are the Human Clan, anonymous within the clan. At this moment in time the Human Clan is sick and is going the way of extinction. The Human Clan has forgotten who we are. We have bought into, accepted and believe we are less than our perfect selves. We hide the pieces of who we are; that someone has convinced us are "BAD". By hiding the "bad" we feel we are the only one who are this way. We own the "bad" internally. We become the "bad" in our minds. We are no longer Human Beings in the Human Clan. We are Human Anonymous lost in the anonymity of what we share, a poisoned brainwash mind. We are separate because of our "Badness". This is a lack of self-love. When we are separated; without love from self we can not be loved by the other. One can only accept and give love to the level they love themselves. Without love one can not love or be loved by their clan. Without love one can not love or be loved by their Mother, the Earth. And what are the words we are missing from the Human Clan and the Mother because of the lack of love? Words, feelings, thought and emotions like respect, care-taking,care-giving, honor, compassion, empathy, peacefulness, acceptance, trust. When one looks at this list it is hard not to see that the world is missing these attributes. It is very very sad we are no longer allowing ourselves to be human, to be in love with our Human Clan, to love the Mother who gives life itself. It is this lack of love that allows our race at this time to destroy our Mother and follow Human beings. There is no other way that could explain how we justify this suicidal behavior other than the sickness that come from lack of love.
Embrace yourself!
Embrace our Mother!
Embrace your Clan!
Accept we all are-
Human Anonymous!
Copyright © 2019 by Joseph and Human Anonymous
Exploring how the human clan can once again have heart felt gratitude and reverence for Mother Earth through grounded spirituality by throwing off all societal indoctrination limiting us from realizing we are the children of Eden.
Copyright © 2019 by Joseph and Human Anonymous
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